© 2024 The Weekly SOURCE

Introducing The Daily RESOURCE, your COVID-19 update at 6am Tuesday to Saturday

1 min read

The Prime Minister tells us that we are waging a war on two fronts – health and the economy.

This is true also for our sectors, and the impacts are likely to be long lasting.

To help you keep up to date as events unfold, and to learn how other operators and suppliers are responding, DCM Editor Lauren Broomham has placed her daily reports on the Royal Commission on hold and will now be emailing you each morning at 6am a comprehensive COVID-19 coverage of the previous 24 hours plus interviews with leading operators.

This is a free service we are providing our readers. We also welcome your contributions to the conversations.

Please keep a watch on your Inbox for Lauren Broomham tomorrow and every Tuesday to Saturday while COVID-19 is with us.