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ResiRatings – why village operators need them

2 min read

Online ratings increase consumer confidence, enhance product visibility, improve comparison capabilities, provide an insight into your customers’ needs and give your residents a voice.

The marketing power of online ratings 

A 2017 study by BrightLocal revealed that 85% of consumers trust online reviews as much as their friends and family’s recommendations.

Word of mouth is one of the most traditional forms of marketing which in the past was limited to person-to-person communication.

The internet allows word of mouth marketing, opinions and personal experiences to spread and influence millions. This fact, coupled with the growing distrust and “noise” created by other forms of advertising, has seen online ratings become one of the most powerful factors influencing consumers decisions today.

Ratings make you visible

Consumers are time poor and are seeking ways to quickly compare their retirement villages options. A rating allows consumers to easily see your villages strengths and compare it to others.

Research demonstrates that “best in class” ratings increase sales by up to 17%.

Ratings provide resident insights

Resident ratings also help you better understand the needs of your current residents which is critical to the services you offer. They provide you with an opportunity to monitor and address any problems within your villages in a timely manner.

Do you have any control/input in ratings?

Reviews and ratings are here, whether it’s via facebook ratings, Google reviews, or online forums, consumers can rate your village. In our experience, we have seen many reviews come from the families of the residents that don’t reflect the resident’s satisfaction levels which Our National Resident Survey demonstrates are high – on average 7.9 out of 10. Do you experience the same?

Get a ResiRating for your village now

ResiRatings is Australia’s first resident rated program for retirement villages.

Check it out on villages.com.au HERE.

529 villages have already been rated off the back of the villages.com.au  National Resident Survey. You can book into round two of the survey which is about to commence. Find out more here.

Download Media Kit here.

The survey can be completed by your residents via pen and paper or online. It is 8 multiple choice questions, taking less than 5 minutes to complete.

Every participating village receives a star rating out of 5 based on the 5-retirement village living categories:  Social, physical, mental, operations and financial. Plus a 'satsfaction' score out of 100.

We provide you with free customised logos to add to your website and marketing materials and promotion on paid villages.com.au listings.

We promote ResiRatings to our 1.8 million visitors to villages.com.au and agedcare101.com.au plus talkback radio.

Contact Anna Archibald at annaa@docomemonday.com.au or on 02 9555 9576


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