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US: Louisiana sends out 37,000 nursing home eviction notices after $230 million cut in Medicaid funding

1 min read

The state’s Department of Health is issuing warnings to thousands of nursing home and disability residents that they could lose their Medicaid benefits because of deep health care budget cuts recently passed by the Republican-controlled state House of Representatives.

McKnight’s is reporting that removing seniors with “adult-onset disabilities” from the Medicaid Long Term Special Income Limit Program would force about 32,000 residents to move – around 83% of the aged care residents on Medicaid in 2017.

The shortfall is the result of $1.4 billion in temporary taxes which expire 30 June. The state’s Governor had wanted new permanent taxes passed, but the Legislature refused to pass them. The evictions could start as soon as 1 July when the new year’s budget begins.

The Louisiana Nursing Home Association says the decision will force facilities into bankruptcy, and potentially trigger a massive lay-off of the state’s 26,000 aged care workers.

A devastating outcome for families, residents and staff.

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